New Queer Culture Festival in Tallinn!

New Queer Culture Festival in Tallinn!

The Q-Space Festival’s Tallinn programme focusing on LGBTQ+ issues will include film screenings, discussions, special events and workshops from November 30 to December 3.

  • 7 screenings of new and award-winning films at the Artis cinema: 3 feature films, 2 documentaries and a collection of animated short films;
  • 2 discussion groups on life topics such as being "out of the closet" at school, parenting trans people and family relationships;
  • 2 discussions with filmmakers;
  • 1 dance and movement workshop;
  • 1 presentation of the Estonian translation of the comic book "How Much Queer Work".

Everyone is welcome: all films have Estonian, English and Russian subtitles. Discussions with guests are in English. 

The entire Q-Space Festival schedule will be announced with ticket sales on October 30.

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